Payment Infrastructure

Card Tokenization

Leverage our card tokenization capabilities to enable seamless, secure digital payments with customer convenience in mind.

The NovoPayment Difference

End-to-end solutions offer everything you need to evolve the customer experience and exceed all expectations.

Improve security and inspire trust

NovoPayment tokenizes Visa and Mastercard payment credentials, transforming sensitive data into randomly generated tokens that can’t be exploited by bad actors

Create convenient customer experiences

Tokenization allows users to safely store card information in digital or mobile wallets and at preferred e-commerce sites, for immediate access

Control compliance costs and infrastructure spend

NovoPayment is a scheme partner of both Visa and Mastercard, affording you the benefits of tokenization without the upfront costs

Build With Us

Is there a feature you don’t see included here? That doesn’t mean it’s not available via NovoPayment. Our open API architecture is built for scale and offers endless possibilities. Just tell us what you need and we’ll help you bring your vision to life.

Explore other complementary products

Card Issuing, Switching, and Transaction Processing

Design credit, debit and prepaid cards for your customers and redefine the customer experience.

Fraud Prevention (Defense & Risk Management)

Deploy advanced analytics to pinpoint, prevent and predict fraudulent activity across multiple channels.

Card Tokenization